Transform: Copyright was a closed-door gathering of experts from intersecting fields grappling with the interaction of generative AI and copyright.
Representatives from a variety of stakeholder communities were invited, including:
- Creators of the works used to train models
- Owners of the copyrights in those works
- Persons with privacy interests in the data embodied in the works used the train the models
- The organizations (both for-profit firms and nonprofit organizations) that create the models and the datasets
- Users of the models
The overarching aspiration of Transform: Copyright was to identify, through discussion and collaboration, potential practicable “win-win” resolutions of the intensifying controversies pertaining to generative AI [“GenAI”] as it intersects with copyright. That, in turn, might facilitate the eventual adoption, through consensus, of a set of “best practices” to which all participants in the field could adhere and from which all would benefit.
This event was held under the Chatham House Rule, meaning that participants were free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.